Ariel Tovlev

Ariel Tovlev

Rabbi Ariel Tovlev (he/they) was a rabbinic intern at CCAR Press and is currently a freelance rabbi. His writing appears in "Mishkan Ga’avah: Where Pride Dwells: A Celebration of LGBTQ Jewish Life and Ritual" (CCAR Press, 2020). He was a featured speaker at the CCAR event Leaving the Narrow Space: Embracing and Elevating Jewish Transgender and Non-binary Experiences.

A Jewish Approach to Transgender Awareness Week

Ariel Tovlev
After services one Friday night, I was approached by a woman and child I had not seen before. The woman knew I was a rabbinical student, and said she had an important question to ask me. Then, slowly, trying to find the right words, she said, “Let’s say there was someone who was born female but realized they were male—a female to male transgender person. Would that person be able to have a bar mitzvah? Is that something Judaism would allow?”