Charles A. Kroloff

Finding the Spiritual Within Us

D'Var Torah By: Charles A. Kroloff

What is the most common word used in discussions about religion today? You might think it is "God," "prayer," or "faith." We hear those words a lot. But most common of all is "spirituality": it is frequently used, rarely defined, and difficult to define.

Helicopter Parents and the Jewish Future

D'Var Torah By: Charles A. Kroloff

The Book of Genesis is full of unethical behavior or, at the least, highly questionable actions by our matriarchs and patriarchs. Abraham let Sarah be physically available to Pharaoh, indicating that she was his sister.

Knowing that We Are Blessed

D'Var Torah By: Charles A. Kroloff

As Abraham reached the twilight of his years, our Torah portion informs us that "the Eternal had blessed Abraham in every way" (Genesis 24:1). The Rabbis were perplexed by such an assertion. No surprise! Do you know anyone on earth who is blessed with everything?

A Visit from the Eternal

D'Var Torah By: Charles A. Kroloff

Have you ever had an unexpected visitor whose surprise visit made a big difference in your life? It might have been an old friend who showed up one day to express appreciation for a long forgotten kindness that you had done for her.