Dr. Ruth Nemzoff

Ruth Nemzoff is a speaker and author of Don't Bite Your Tongue: How to Foster Rewarding Relationships with Your Adult Children (Palgrave/Macmillan 2008) and Don't Roll Your Eyes: Making In-Laws Into Family (Palgrave/Macmillan 2012)  She is a frequent writer for Huffington Post and the advice columnist for the American Israelite. She is a member of Temple Emanuel in Newton, MA, on the board of InterfaithFamily.com, and chair of the Max Rosenfeld Foundation board. She and her husband have four children, four in-law children, and 10 grandchildren. Her website is ruthnemzoff.com.

Making Everyone Feel Comfortable at Your Holiday Dinner

Dr. Ruth Nemzoff
When we travel or eat out, many of us are gastronomic adventurers. We crave new tastes and textures. We literally get tastes of cultures. Some of us even break the rules. It might be a daily creamy gelato in Florence on the steps of the Pitti Palace, or an aromatic chai from a street vendor holding court in an alley in Delhi that stick with us; that tell us we are flexible; we are worldly; we are risk-takers; and we can still have fun.