Ellen Cassedy

Ellen Cassedy is the author of We Are Here: Memories of the Lithuanian Holocaust (University of Nebraska Press), which begins with her personal journey to the land of her Jewish forebears and expands into an account of how a country encounters its Jewish past. She serves on the board of Yiddish of Greater Washington. Visit her website at www.ellencassedy.com.

"The Highest Human Virtue": Holocaust Remembrance Day in Lithuania

Ellen Cassedy

A new exhibit helps Lithuanians explore questions of vital importance: What do we expect of ordinary people in extraordinary times? What would I have done? And what will I do? As they ponder these questions, Lithuania’s young people will have the opportunity to become a new generation of rescuers – rescuers of their nation’s memory, rescuers of moral conscience.

Remembering Names in the Vilna Ghetto

Ellen Cassedy

Will a neglected building in the old Vilna ghetto become a place that helps to open minds and hearts?

A group of young Lithuanians is trying to make that happen.

One recent afternoon, a crew equipped with brooms and flashlights made its way into a derelict