Ellen Tilman

How To Be The Perfect Weekend Guest

Ellen Tilman

At my vacation home community, the conversation on the tennis court most Mondays centers on the same topic – weekend guests. Everyone has something to say about the guests who have left, those who are coming, and the ones still in residence. Some guests are

The Shabbat Spice: Why Friday Night Dinner Tastes So Much Better

Ellen Tilman

One day, my daughter walked into the house after attending preschool.

“What’s wrong?” she asked incredulously.

“Why?” I responded, “Is something wrong?”

“Well,” my very bright 3-year-old answered, “the house smells like Shabbat and I know that today is not

Visiting Israel with Young Children

Ellen Tilman

My baby, Alana, is 25 years old. When she was almost 5, our family visited Israel. This was the children’s first visit. Friends advised us to leave our three young children at home. "They will be bored," "They won’t have anything to eat, "You are wasting your money," they implored. We ignored their entreaties.