Howard J. Herman

Howard J. Herman and his wife, Barbara, have been members of Temple Beth-El of Great Neck, N.Y., for 31 years. He serves as the synagogue's webmaster and is a member of our its executive committee.

Seeking God and Community in Synagogue Life

Howard J. Herman
In Parashah Vayeitzei, Jacob names the place of his famous dream Beth El, House of God, because he senses God’s presence there. As a member of Temple Beth-El of Great Neck for 31 years, I find myself asking whether I have found God’s presence at my Beth-El.

Instant Replay vs. Real Life

Howard J. Herman

A Major League Baseball committee proposed new rules last month for using instant replay to correct the mistakes of umpires – and I’ve been thinking about how much easier things would be if we could just apply those rules to everyday life.

The rules, in a