Israel Harris

Israel Harris

Israel Harris (he/him) grew up in Bellevue, WA as a member of the Herzl-Ner Tamid Conservative Congregation. He graduated New York University with a BFA in Dance, and a double minor in Psychology and Hebrew and Judaic Studies. He completed the Jewish Learning Fellowship at the NYU Bronfman Center, and was selected for the Second Avenue Dance Company’s “Investigate the WE” social advocacy concert, establishing a social outreach program to promote greater knowledge and safety for the New York Jewish community. He continues to work at the intersection of art and activism, and participated in the WADEintoACTIVISM 16-Day virtual festival as part of the UNiTe to End Violence against Women campaign organized by the UN. Israel furthered his social advocacy work by being among the first team members at the July Third Foundation, a nonprofit organization working for Reparations for Black Americans.  

Israel is proud to be in the first cohort of the Jews of Color Initiative at the RAC. His legislative portfolio includes racial justicereparationsvoting and civil rightscriminal justice reform, the death penalty, campaign finance reformcivil liberties, and judicial nominations.  

Celebrating the Indigenous Community is a Year-Round Value

Israel Harris
One theme central to the month of Kislev is emerging from the struggle to survive. Jewish legend holds that it was in the month of Kislev that a rainbow appeared following the great flood in the time of Noah, that the Mishkan (Tabernacle) was built, and that the foundation stones of the Second Temple were laid.

Rosa Parks's Legacy Endures Today

Israel Harris
Shayna Han
Many Americans remember Rosa Parks as the tired seamstress who refused to move to the back of a bus, but Rosa Parks is much more than that story. Though she did not identify as Jewish, her life reflected a commitment to we might identify as tikkun olam – repairing what is broken in our world. Here are three key insights from Rosa Parks’ life we can bear in mind.