James Prosnit

The Gift of Responsibility

D'Var Torah By: James Prosnit

One of the "Gifts" that Thomas Cahill discusses in his best seller The Gifts of the Jews is the notion of journey. "Avram went," Cahill says, "are two of the boldest words in all literature." Until the Jews, Cahill concludes, people understood life as cyclical, a great wheel with the

There Is Safety in Numbers: Reception History and Cities of Refuge

D'Var Torah By: Kristine Garroway, Ph.D

In Numbers 35:9-15, God commands the people to create cities of refuge in the Promised Land. The notion behind the cities of refuge-where one could claim asylum or sanctuary-is a construct that has found itself reinterpreted throughout the ages. What follows below is a brief exploration into the way the

“There Is Safety in Numbers”: Reception History and Cities of Refuge

D'Var Torah By: Kristine Garroway, Ph.D

In Numbers 35:9-15, God commands the people to create cities of refuge in the Promised Land. The notion behind the cities of refuge-where one could claim asylum or sanctuary-is a construct that has found itself reinterpreted throughout the ages. What follows below is a brief exploration into the way the