Lisa Langer, RJE

Lisa Langer

Lisa Langer, RJE (she/her) is an Associate Director of Congregational Innovation and Education at the URJ and is a Clinical Faculty Mentor for the Executive M.A. program in Jewish Education at the Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion. She has been a leader, practitioner, mentor and consultant in the field of Jewish educational change and innovation for nearly 30 years. Her experience spans all spaces where Jewish learning thrives, including congregations, camps, central agencies, day schools and homes.

 Lisa is a graduate of HUC-JIR and the University of Wisconsin-Madison.  She lives in Menlo Park, CA.

Stories We Tell: The Watchman

Lisa Langer, RJE
Several merchants are traveling through town when Yohanan, a local villager, offers to give them room and board. The merchants fear their goods will be stolen if they don’t guard them during the night, but Yohanan assures them that the mysterious Watchman will assist them. Listen in as Lisa Langer shares the story of The Watchman, and reminds us that sometimes the best gift is what we give, and not what we get. You can also check out a version of this tale in Barbara Diamond Goldin’s book Creating Angels: Stories of Tzedakah.

A More Holistic Approach to Curing Leprosy?

D'Var Torah By: Andrew Bossov

Discussions of Parashat Metzora generally revolve around one of two topics: the horrendous disease of leprosy as the punishment for l'shon harah, harmful language, and the "otherness" of both the outcast lepers and even the kohanim in their roles as health inspectors-healers. The parashah itself addresses the most immediate issues