Mark S. Glickman

B'rit Milah: A Jewish Answer to Modernity

D'Var Torah By: Mark S. Glickman

Focal Point God then said to Abraham, ". . . This is My covenant that you and your descendants after you are to observe: let every male among you be circumcised. . . . It shall become a sign of the covenant between us. And in all your generations, let

Be Careful What You Want

D'Var Torah By: Rabbi Laura Geller

I spend a lot of time with preteens, young people about to celebrate their becoming b’nei mitzvah. I marvel at their ability to spend hours looking through all kinds of catalogs, imagining some of the gifts they’d like to get: clothes, jewelry, computer games, and other technological innovations that I

Alaska: The Ice Rabbi Cometh

Mark S. Glickman
So there we were, a rabbi and several dozen Inuit people, all struggling valiantly with an ancient Aramaic prayer. The people of Kotzebue were struggling because they didn't know the language and still wanted to get it right. I was struggling because it's difficult to say v'imru amen when your face is numb.