Rabbi Amy Scheinerman

Grappling with Death and the Need to Mourn

D'Var Torah By: Rabbi Lisa Grushcow

“The whole community knew that Aaron had breathed his last” (Numbers 20:29). ... Parashat Chukat is in the middle of the Book of Numbers, and its narrative spans 38 of the 40 years in the wilderness. It is also full of death, and the human struggle to comprehend it.

Stories We Tell: The Disappearing King

Rabbi Amy Scheinerman
A poor child is designated king, and he grows up to be the best king his kingdom has ever seen. So, what’s his secret? Find out in this story retold by Rabbi Marc Katz. You can also read another version of this story, retold by Rabbi Amy Scheinerman.

What does the Jews’ covenant with God mean?

Rabbi Amy Scheinerman
We live our lives as a tapestry of relationships: with parents, siblings, partners and other relatives; with friends, neighbors, and colleagues; with the larger world and the environment; and with God. Our relationships are a lens through which we see ourselves because we gain self-understanding when we consider how others

How does Judaism view the relationship between people and God?

Rabbi Amy Scheinerman
Our tradition reflects the view that humans are created in the image of God. Many interpretations have been proffered to explain this notion, including that humans have a capacity for morality and gratitude, unlike other animals, that they have an insight into the world that is unlike other species and

How do Orthodox and Reform practices differ?

Rabbi Amy Scheinerman
The differences in the manner in which Reform and Orthodox Jews practice their tradition is grounded in their view of the Hebrew Scripture (Bible) and the status of other sacred texts, such as the Mishnah and Talmud.