Rabbi Bonnie Koppell

Rabbi Bonnie Koppell serves as the associate rabbi of Temple Chai in Phoenix, AZ, where she also directs the Deutsch Family Shalom Center. A graduate of the U.S. Army War College, she retired with the rank of Colonel after 38 years of service as a U.S. Army Reserve Chaplain in June 2016.

Planning Your Jewish Wedding... Outdoors

Rabbi Bonnie Koppell
It’s almost irresistibly tempting to hold your ceremony outdoors. The beauty of the creation inspires us to connect to the Creator, and, as our breath is taken away by the spectacular scenery, we enter the ceremony with a heightened sense of awe and peace.

What Matters Most to You at the End of Life?

Rabbi Bonnie Koppell

Ninety percent of people say that talking with loved ones about end-of-life care is important, yet only 27% have done so. Have you had this conversation?

The Honor and Privilege of Being a Military Chaplain

Rabbi Bonnie Koppell

“It’s almost like being home.”

This was the response of a young soldier at Forward Operating Base Taji, Iraq, following the Passover seder in 2005. As I traveled throughout the country, seder participants were amazed and touched that a rabbi would reach out