Rabbi Daniel Allen

Rosh HaShanah: Joy, Simchas, an Anchor for Israel

Rabbi Daniel Allen

In the book of Nehemiah (chapter 8), we find a description of an ancient Rosh HaShanah at the time of rebuilding Israel after a period of exile.

“When the seventh month arrived – the Israelites being settled in their towns – the entire people assembled as one

Lag BaOmer

Rabbi Daniel Allen

Lag BaOmer is a break, a time out, a moment to recall an ancient plague that may or may not have occurred, and perhaps a moment for reflection.

The Voice of a Woman Singing: Debbie Friedman

Rabbi Daniel Allen

Abraham Joshua Heschel, in his writings just after the 1967 Day War asked “What part did the State of Israel play in the day-to-day life of the Jews outside the land until recent events?” It was an appropriate question for the times. His view was that too many