Rabbi Douglas Kohn

Rabbi Douglas Kohn serves Congregation Emanu El in Redlands, CA, and was a 2012-2013 Brickner Fellow at the Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism.

Alzheimer’s Disease: A New Frontier in Health and Wellness

Rabbi Douglas Kohn

My grandfather was looking at me through empty eyes. His scruffy mustache was unmoving; he was just staring. My dad was making simple, small talk, but grandpa was just staring. I couldn’t recall then – and I can’t recall now, 20 years later – when was the last

Rethinking Memorial Day

Rabbi Douglas Kohn

Barbecues, sales at big-box retailers, baseball games and glossy advertisements in the Sunday paper with patriotic images. Yep, Monday we will mark Memorial Day – at least in the United States.

It seems incongruous to me: We honor the memories of soldiers who