Rabbi Dr. Edwin C. Goldberg

Rabbi Edwin C. Goldberg is the senior rabbi of Temple Sholom of Chicago. He is the coordinating editor of the new High Holiday prayer book, Mishkan HaNefesh (CCAR). He has a doctorate in Hebrew Letters from the Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion and has published five books, most recently Love Tales from the Talmud (URJ Press) and Saying No and Letting Go: Jewish Wisdom on Making Room for What Matters Most (Jewish Lights).

Women Facing Abuse as Suffragists and in the Torah

D'Var Torah By: Rabbi Carole B. Balin, Ph.D.

Did you know that Gloria Steinem’s grandmother, Pauline Perlmutter Steinem , was not only a sisterhood president of her Reform congregation, but also a suffragist? The legacy of activism in the Steinem family, paired with lessons learned from Parashat Naso, reminds us to be on guard against gender-based discrimination meant to preserve an unjust status quo.

In Place of God? In God’s Place?

D'Var Torah By: Rabbi Dr. Edwin C. Goldberg

After a natural calamity or terrorist attack an understandable question presents itself: Where is God in all this? We've seen the evil that people can do, and we've seen the spirit of sacrifice and service in firefighters, emergency workers, police officers, and ordinary citizens. But the question remains, "Where is

Leadership and Letting Go

D'Var Torah By: Rabbi Dr. Edwin C. Goldberg

Can you say chutzpah? How about arrogance? Or is ignorance a more appropriate word for people behaving badly? When I served a congregation in Hollywood, I met many performers who were both prominent and very fine human beings. But on occasion, I met one who plays a beloved movie or

Joseph the Educator

D'Var Torah By: Rabbi Dr. Edwin C. Goldberg

In this week's Torah portion, Mikeitz , Joseph, now the viceroy of Egypt, receives a visit from his brothers who seek relief from the famine in Canaan. While Joseph recognizes them, they don't realize that he is the brother they kidnapped and sold into slavery. This makes sense. They expected