Rabbi Emily Langowitz

Rabbi Emily Langowitz (she/her) is the incoming Executive Director of the Women’s Leadership Institute in Phoenix, AZ, providing learning and leadership training for Jewish women in Phoenix.

Take a Tour of the Torah!

Rabbi Emily Langowitz
Torah usually refers to the Pentateuch, the first five books of the Hebrew Bible - Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy. Running through these stories is the unique lens through which the Jewish people would come to view their world and their God.

The Blessings of Adult Education: Far More than Knowledge

Rabbi Emily Langowitz
Lifelong learning, however, can be easier said than done. For many, as they enter adulthood, with its competing demands and obligations, setting aside time for learning – and especially for Jewish learning – can be challenging indeed.

Letting our Land Rest: Shmitah and the Release of Expectations

D'Var Torah By: Rabbi Emily Langowitz

In this week's Torah portion, B'har, we learn God's command that the Israelites must, every seven years, engage in a practice called shmitah. And every seven sets of seven, an ultimate shmitah, called the yovel, or Jubilee, year.

Seeing the Other in Ourselves: Cultivating Empathy Beyond Difference

D'Var Torah By: Rabbi Emily Langowitz

At some point in its history, the Reform Movement made the ideological choice to change the Torah reading for the afternoon service on Yom Kippur. Jewish tradition assigned the 18th chapter of Leviticus, which details laws around sexual prohibition, among other ways that the Israelites should distinguish themselves from surrounding cultures.