Rabbi Ethan Prosnit

Rabbi Ethan Prosnit is the senior rabbi at Temple Emanu-El in Westfield, N.J.

What Torah Requires of Us

D'Var Torah By: Rabbi Max Chaiken

If we had to choose only one Torah portion to summarize the entire Torah, which would it be? We'd have to consider > Parashat Va-et’chanan a strong contender; in it, we find a compilation of Torah’s “greatest hits,” both in law and narrative.

How the Living Serve the Dead

D'Var Torah By: Rabbi Stephen S. Pearce, Ph.D.

In Vayechi, we hear the final requests of Jacob, and then Joseph, to bring back their remains to be buried in the land God promised to their ancestors. In carrying Joseph’s bones, Moses moves draws closer to his progenitor, giving us the opportunity to reflect on our connections to our forebears.