Rabbi Linda Joseph

Headshot of Rabbi Linda Joseph set against a black background

Rabbi Linda Joseph (she/her) is a member of the CCAR Worship and Practice Committee. She is the rabbi of an adult-only congregation, Bet Aviv in Columbia, MD and teaches Introduction for Judaism online for the Union for Reform Judaism. Over the years, she has officiated at hundreds of Bet Mitzvah for those who are thirteen, those who are eighty-three, and adults who have never had the opportunity to be Bet Mitzvah.

What’s Different about High Holidays Challah?

Rabbi Linda Joseph
In Pirkei Avot, Rabbi Elazar ben Azariah taught, “If there is no bread, there is no Torah; and if there is no Torah, there is no bread.” I love these words. They echo in my mind when I partake in two of my favorite almost daily activities, the study of Torah and the baking bread. On the holidays, these two passions intersect, as they have for generations of Jews, when I shape challah. The traditional shapes for challot (plural) can be Torah study on our very festival tables.

Preaching on the Haftarah and Reassessing Tishah B’Av

D'Var Torah By: Rabbi Lewis M. Barth

Parashat Mas’ei is the concluding reading from the biblical Book of Numbers and is filled with a wealth of historical detail. This year, the Shabbat on which we read Mas’ei comes at the beginning of month of Av. If this had been any other month in the Hebrew calendar, we