Rabbi Matt Friedman

Rabbi Matt Friedman is a chaplain in the California State Guard. He holds the rank of Major and is the chaplain to the Operations Group. He is also the part-time rabbi for the Antelope-Roseville Jewish Congregation. Rabbi Matt Friedman works full-time with the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans). He is the Chief of the Office of Aviation Planning in the Division of Aeronautics.

The Power of God’s Hand

D'Var Torah By: Rabbi Matt Friedman

FOCAL POINT But Pharaoh became more stubborn this time also and would not let the people go. (Exodus 8:28) But Adonai stiffened the heart of Pharaoh, and he would not heed them, just as Adonai had told Moses. (Exodus 9:12) D'VAR TORAH The narrative segment about the Ten Plagues is