Rabbi Maya Y. Glasser

Rabbi Maya Y. Glasser

Rabbi Maya Y. Glasser (she/her/hers) has served Congregation Ahavath Chesed in Jacksonville, FL, since July 2021. She finds great meaning in the sacred encounters between people and tradition. Before arriving in Jacksonville, Rabbi Glasser was the Assistant Rabbi at Anshe Emeth Memorial Temple in New Brunswick, NJ, and was ordained from the New York campus of Hebrew Union-College Jewish Institute of Religion in 2018 with their first-ever Certificate in Pastoral Care & Counseling.

The Importance of Storytelling

Rabbi Maya Y. Glasser
The Jewish people love to share stories, as memory is a central Jewish value. We cannot forget what has happened to us because we must share it with future generations. The past is one of our best learning tools.

The Unique Contributions of Women and Men Are All Needed

D'Var Torah By: Rabbi Reuven Greenvald

According to Ramban (Rabbi Moshe ben Nachman, or Nachmanides; 1194-1270), this week’s Torah portion, Vayak’heil, is properly understood as the necessary reconciliation between the Israelite people, on one side, and God and Moses, on the other, after the devastation of the Golden Calf episode. Ramban reads the opening phrase, “Moses then convoked the whole Israelite community ( Ex. 35:1), as Moses rebuilding and healing the community through the inclusion and involvement of all ...

The Band's Visit: A Rabbinic Broadway Review

Rabbi Maya Y. Glasser

At its heart, The Band’s Visit is about a group of people who have experienced hardship and loss, whose lives have not necessarily played out the way they hoped or intended.