Rabbi Melissa Stollman

Headshot of Rabbi Melissa Stollman against a brick wall

Rabbi Melissa Stollman is currently a major gifts officer for the Union for Reform Judaism, and is the former director of lifelong learning at Congregation Kol Tikvah in Parkland, FL.

Celebrating Hanukkah in a Time of Pandemic

Rabbi Melissa Stollman
No matter what we face in the world right now, we still can thank God for what we have – including the blessing of each new day and the hope for a brighter tomorrow.

Prayer in the Virtual Space: Now What?

Rabbi Melissa Stollman

Now, as restrictions begin to lift, we are faced once again with how to conduct our worship in meaningful ways. Just because our synagogues can be open does not necessarily mean that they should be.

Two Years Later: Remembering Parkland, Continuing to Heal

Rabbi Melissa Stollman

Not enough time has passed for us to fully heal from what we, as the communal collective, experienced. We may be able to understand and process the grief more fully, and recognize the signs of post-traumatic stress, but it doesn’t lessen the effects of either.

After Parkland, Can We Ever Forgive?

Rabbi Melissa Stollman

We may never reach a full t’shuvah in our ability to forgive, but we should always strive to make the world better for future generations.​