Rabbi Micah Lapidus

Rabbi Micah Lapidus, Ed.D. lives in Atlanta and serves as the rabbi and director of Jewish and Hebrew studies at The Alfred and Adele Davis Academy, Atlanta’s Reform Jewish Day School. He is a trustee of the Central Conference of American Rabbis and the force behind Hello, Goodbye & Peace. He blogs at micahlapidus.com.

The Great Migration: Back to School

Rabbi Micah Lapidus
As we - students, parents, teachers, administrators, and everyone who makes schools come to life each year - collectively gear up for this annual journey, I share these thoughts to inspire us to reflect upon the essence of teaching and learning. Though I write from a particular institution - The Davis Academy, Atlanta's Reform Jewish Day School, where I am the director of Jewish and Hebrew studies - these thoughts pertain to anyone embarking on the migration back to school.

The Archaeology of Self

Rabbi Micah Lapidus

“The danger, in short, is that instead of providing a basis for what already exists, instead of going over with bold strokes lines that have already been sketched, instead of finding reassurance in this return and final confirmation, instead of completing the

Be a Blessing

Rabbi Micah Lapidus

In parshat Lech L’cha God commanded Abraham to leave his home, his father’s house, and the land of his birth. He also commanded Abraham: v’heyeh bracha (“Be a Blessing). Here’s a song and a poem. The song is from my album, “Be a Blessing” and the poem was just