Rabbi Yael Splansky

Rabbi Yael Splansky (Deuteronomy) is the senior rabbi of Holy Blossom Temple in Toronto. She is the editor of Siddur Pirchei Kodesh,a former chair of the Reform Rabbis of Greater Toronto, and a fourth-generation Reform rabbi. 

Rearranging the Golden Calf

D'Var Torah By: David S. Lieb

A case can be made that the second half of the Book of Exodus is out of order, especially the incident of the golden calf in this week's parashah, Ki Tisa . In Exodus 24:18 we read: "Moses went inside the cloud and ascended the mountain; and Moses remained on

V’zot HaBrachah

D'Var Torah By: Rabbi Yael Splansky

No matter how I might dream of trekking the beautiful, wide-open spaces of the Canadian wilderness-truth be told, I avoid tents, cold water, and bad weather whenever possible. I prefer to travel in the wilderness of Torah. The blisters I get in September are not from working with rake and

A World of Words

D'Var Torah By: Rabbi Yael Splansky

Back at the Burning Bush, God commands Moses to return to Egypt, to go before Pharaoh and deliver God's message: "Let us go...to sacrifice to the Eternal our God" (Exodus 3:18). Moses tries to dodge the command, saying: "Please, O my lord, I have never been a man of words

Jewish Guilt

D'Var Torah By: Rabbi Yael Splansky

As he prepares for death, Moses lays a major guilt trip on the people. "Well I know how defiant and stiff-necked you are: even now, while I am still alive in your midst, you have been defiant toward the Eternal; how much more, then, when I am dead! ... For

Receiving in Order to Give

D'Var Torah By: Rabbi Yael Splansky

"You stand this day, all of you, before the Eternal your God ... to enter into the covenant of the Eternal your God ..." (Deuteronomy 29:9-11). Parashat Nitzavim is a retelling of the exchange of giving and receiving that took place at Mount Sinai. Kabbalah is the art and discipline