Rabbi Yehudit Werchow

Rabbi Yehudit Werchow is the former Director of Israel Engagement for the Union for Reform Judaism. She was born in Argentina and grew up in Israel.

Rejoice, for I Have Faith

Rabbi Yehudit Werchow

There is a well-known Talmudic debate (Shabbat 21b) between rabbis Shamai and Hillel about the correct way to light the Hanukkah candles. According to Shamai, the candles should be lit in a descending order, i.e., light all eight candles on the first day and

Memorial Day for Our Ethiopian Jews

Rabbi Yehudit Werchow

On the 28th of Iyar, Israel celebrates Jerusalem Day. This day was chosen to symbolize the continued historical connection of the Jewish People to Jerusalem. What started as a symbolic event became anchored in law on March 23, 1998, when the Knesset passed the

Praying for Israel

Rabbi Yehudit Werchow

The Prayer for the State of Israel expresses two main wishes: the care for its physical well-being and for its souls’ well-being. There are additional messages implicit in the prayer that I find essential to its purpose.

The Wonders of Klal Yisrael, Jewish Peoplehood

Rabbi Yehudit Werchow

“We kindle these lights to commemorate the miracles and the wonders”
הנרות הללו אנו מדליקין על הניסים והנפלאות

This will be my fourth Hanukkah as an Israeli Shlicha (emissary) in North America. After three years of building relationships, learning, and