Shira M. Zemel is the Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism's director of youth leadership development. She holds a master's degree in education from SUNY University at Buffalo. Shira is from Arlington, VA, and is a member of Temple Micah in Washington, D.C.
Our tradition commands us to “plead for the orphan, the stranger, the widow,” to “do justice,” to “love the stranger” – in these imperatives we find our mandate.
I enjoyed many trips to Nationals Park this summer to watch the Washington Nationals play, and I’ve been thinking a lot about baseball, our national pastime. I grew up with a love of the game because my dad is a diehard Chicago White Sox fan. As a young girl
Last Shabbat, I was excited to attend services at my home congregation with our participants in the Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism'sMachon Kaplan work/study program. During the sermon remarks, Rabbi Danny Zemel (who I’m lucky to call my dad)
The Reform Jewish community, via the Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism (RAC) and the North American Federation of Temple Youth (NFTY), are partnering with a broad coalition of national organizations to promote “Wear Orange,” a new national campaign to