Stephen Karol

Torah Lessons My Father Taught Me

D'Var Torah By: Stephen Karol

I was a student in my father's ninth grade religious-school class. What I remember the most all these years later is learning Torah from him and, most important, the practical ethical lessons we can apply to our lives from our most sacred text. In particular, studying the Holiness Code (Leviticus

Seeing is Believing

D'Var Torah By: Stephen Karol

Overview God places both blessing and curse before the Israelites. They are taught that blessing will come through the observance of God’s laws. (11:26–32) Moses’ third discourse includes laws about worship in a central place (12:1–28); injunctions against idolatry (12:29–13:19) and self-mutilation (14:1–2); dietary rules (14:3–21); and laws about tithes