Mi shebeirach avoteinu Avraham, Yitzchak, v’Ya’akov, Sarah, Rivka Rachel, v’Leah, hu y’varech et chanichim haeleh.
May the one who blessed our ancestors, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Sara, Rebecca, Rachel and Leah bless all of these campers as they go off to summer camp.
May You guide them in peace.
May their journey this summer be beautiful, filled with shira, song, rikud, dance, omanut, art, simcha, happiness, s'chiya, swimming, ruach, spirit, and chaverut, friendship.
May they give and receive many lanyards and friendship bracelets, hike to the most inspiring places, and stay up late laughing with friends.
May they experience great challenges and succeed in overcoming them and also learn from their struggles.
May they be partners in creating a kehillah kedosha, a sacred community of love and friendship and learning.
And may they return to this community, changed for the better while very much the same—bringing with them new rituals, songs and prayers.
V’yachazikeim v’yadricheim b’orach Torah u’v’ma’asim tovim.
May You help them grow in mind and heart, drawing them closer to You and to a life of Torah and ma’asim tovim, good deeds.