Kindling the Lights of Peace: A Meditation for Shabbat Candle-Lighting
After lighting the Sabbath candles, many people wave their hands in a circular motion three times and bring their hands to their face when finished. A beautiful interpretation of this practice is that it helps us bring the light and peace of Shabbat into our neshamahs, our homes, and our families.
A Prayer for the Shabbat before Mother's Day
A prayer for all types of mothers, to say on the Shabbat before Mother's Day (or anytime).
Daily Blessings: Donning the Tallit
Blessings for putting on a prayer shawl (tallit, tallis).
Passover Evening Blessings: Kiddush - Blessing over the Wine, Shabbat Version
Blessing over the wine for the festival of Passover when the seder falls on Friday night. The Shehecheyanu (see below) is recited after the kiddush, immediately before drinking the wine
Shabbat Morning Blessings: Kiddush
Fill a Kiddush cup with wine or grape juice. Raise it and recite...
Shabbat Morning Worship Services: Blessings on Reading the Haftarah
Prior to chanting the Haftarah (a reading from Prophets or Writings that varies weekly), the reader says:
Worship Services: Blessings for Reading the Torah
Learn the blessings for before and after the reading of the Torah.
Shabbat Morning Worship Services: Elohai N'tzor
Silent prayer, based on Psalm 34:14 at the conclusion of the Amidah, the central section of the service.
Shabbat Morning Worship Services: Chatzi Kaddish
Version of the Kaddish, praising God, that serves to delineate different sections of the service.
Shabbat Evening Worship Services: Elohai N'tzor and Oseh Shalom
My God, guard my speech from evil and my lips from deception.