Rosh HaShanah Candle Lighting
The candles are lit before the blessing is recited.
The Season of Healing
The High Holidays are a time of introspection and self-assessment in anticipation of repentance, forgiveness, thanksgiving and rejoicing. It is a season of healing.
An Alternate Un’taneh Tokef
Rabbi Joseph Meszler offers a new take on an old prayer for these Days of Awe.
A Rosh HaShanah Prayer for Our Clergy
As the New Year approaches, let it be our job to feed our clergy with love and care. Let it be our sacred calling to lift them up as they lift us.
A Prayer for the Jewish New Year
May we hold lovingly in our thoughts / those who suffer from tyranny, subjection, cruelty, and injustice, / and work every day towards the alleviation of their suffering
Rosh HaShanah Evening Blessings: Kiddush- Blessing over the Wine, Shabbat and Weekday
Blessings over the wine during the evening of Rosh HaShanah.
Rosh HaShanah Worship Services: Haftarah Blessings
The blessing after the reading of haftarah always sanctifies the day on which it is read. Throughout most of the year, that day is Shabbat, but haftarahis also read on the High Holidays. On Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur the text changes from the familiar Shabbat text to refer to the holiday.
Rosh HaShanah Blessings: On Apples and Honey to Celebrate the New Year
Pick up a slice of apple, dip it in honey, and say:
Daily Blessings: Birkat HaMazon (Grace After Meals) - Long Version
Chaverim vachaveirot n'vareich!
Daily Blessings: Birkat HaMazon (Grace After Meals) - Short Version
Learn how to sing the blessings for grace after meals.