Featuring the RAC...

September 14, 2012Katharine Nasielski

This post is part of a weekly feature on RACblog. Check in at the end of the week for a roundup of stories in which the RAC has been featured! This week we learned of attacks on U.S. Embassies in Libya, Egypt, Tunisia, London and Yemen, and have mourned the deaths of Ambassador to Libya, J. Chris Stevens, along with three of his colleagues. Rabbi Saperstein spoke powerfully condemning violence and stood strongly against the dissemination of videos that are intended "to provoke, to offend, and to evoke outrage." He expressed his support for those "who seek to build bridges over longstanding divides" at a press conference on Wednesday morning, alongside Imam Mohamed Magid, the director of the Islamic Society of North America, Ali Suleiman Aujali, the Libyan ambassador to the U.S., The Rev. Dr. C. Welton Gaddy, President of Interfaith Alliance and Haris Tarin, the director of the Washington office of the Muslim Public Affairs Council. Rabbi Saperstein's words were echoed by news stories in papers across the world including Ha'aretz, Voices of America, JTA, the LA Times and even the Saudi Gazette.

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Featuring the RAC...

This post is part of a weekly feature on RACblog. Check in at the end of the week for a roundup of stories in which the RAC has been featured! This week we learned of attacks on U.S. Embassies in Libya, Egypt, Tunisia, London and Yemen, and have mourned the deaths of Ambassador to Libya, J.

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