Related Blog Posts on Advocacy, Conversion, and What is Reform Judaism?

Shabbat as Alternate Time, Especially During the Pandemic

Michele Braun

Friday’s sunset could be no different than Thursday’s, a time marker notching off another day or another week, but Shabbat requires us to mark a more substantial difference,  Regularity is key to keep track of our lives between other Jewish times and when days blur into each other.

The Power of Shabbat, Even Over the Loudspeaker

Cantor Laura Stein, LMSW

Even as structure and routine begin to crumble, ritual observances don’t stop for the virus. As did many generations of Jews before us, we must adapt ritual to this unprecedented way of life, and Shabbat services, a mainstay for nursing home residents, necessitated creative adaptation.

I'm Working to Combat Voter Suppression, Even Though I Can't Yet Vote

Justin Meszler

Every voice matters, and every vote should, too – but in many places across the U.S., restrictive laws and practices disproportionately keep People of Color from voting. As someone who is too young to vote, I am motivated to ensure that everyone who is eligible to exercise this right does so. 

And You Shall Love

Avital Abraham

This week, I tell a friend I’d love to chat but actually I have to run Yom Kippur services are starting soon and I’ve got to repent for my sins before the gates are closed. She laughs. “Well, you’re gay, so you’ve definitely got a lot of repenting to do.”

At a Good Hour: Awaiting a Grandchild in 2020

Margie Bogdanow

And at this moment, in the midst of the pandemic, we are witnessing a time of reckoning for the racial divide that has torn our society apart for so long. What does it mean to bring a baby into a world in desperate need of r’fuah sh’leimah, the full healing of body, heart, and soul?