In 2025, you have a unique opportunity to help ensure Israel remains a free, democratic and pluralistic society for all Jews by voting in the World Zionist Congress elections.
As a college student studying during a year abroad at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem years ago, I participated in programs offered by the Reform Movement’s Religious Action Center (RAC), which trained students to advocate for civil and human rights through a Jewish lens. That experience defined my Judaism as one rooted in action and activism.
"Winterfaith" seems a much more apt description for me than "interfaith." We're not observing two religions; I was raised Jewish, and my partner was not. Together, we are raising our children as Jewish campers, and even after 15+ years of our relationship, 11 of which with at least one child, the winter holidays are when our "interfaith" background proves to be the most challenging.
When I was a child growing up in the 1980s, the story I learned about Thanksgiving followed the classic script: it highlighted amity between the Pilgrims and their Indigenous neighbors. Due to this connection, the hunger of the European settlers was met with squash and turkey.
During Pride Month, I participated in a leaders' trip to Israel through A Wider Bridge, an organization dedicated to connecting LGBTQ+ people in North America and Israel. Around Israel, pride events this year focused on calls to free the hostages, support the hundreds of thousands of displaced people, and reach a meaningful ceasefire.
Every year, URJ Camps host Israeli counselors as a way to strengthen our young people’s connection to the land and culture of Israel. This summer, this initiative took on even more meaning in the wake of the October 7th attacks.
As we gear up for another unforgettable summer at URJ Camps - and with some camps already in full swing - we are reminded that today, more than ever, providing safe, nurturing spaces for our campers, counselors, and staff is of utmost importance.
I have always considered myself to be a Jewish Canadian, rather than a Canadian Jew. I couldn't tell you why I have always chosen to primarily identify by my religion first and then my citizenship; there is no defining moment in my life that explains that one way or the other. Being Jewish has always been my primary identity.
While we recognize that the deep conflict between Israelis and Palestinians will not be resolved over the summer, we believe that come the fall, college campuses must once again be safe for all students - and this includes Jewish students living their Jewish commitments openly and proudly.