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My Father’s Tallit

Ilene S. Goldman
As a child snoop, I was well acquainted with the contents of my parents’ dresser drawers. This came in handy often, like the night before a trip when my mom panicked because she couldn’t find her passport.

Making a Jewish Ritual for my Divorce

Rabbi Lisa S. Greene
In the weeks leading up to my civil divorce, I delved into Jewish tradition to see how I could mark it Jewishly. I'd been married under a chuppah with the exquisite blessings of our tradition; simply marking my divorce in the Cook County courthouse was not going to suffice.

Jewish Names to Brighten Your Summer and Life!

Ellie Rudee
You're expecting a baby or perhaps taking on a Hebrew name and looking for some sunny inspiration. Jewish tradition offers a rich array of names that evoke the beauty of summer and the Jewish holidays that fall during the summer months.

Reform Mohalim Discuss Circumcision

Kate Bigam Kaput
North American Reform mohalim are trained and certified by the Brit Milah Board of Reform Judaism and supported by the National Organization of American Mohalim, (NOAM), which works to make the practice of b'rit milahan available, meaningful, and relevant Jewish lifecycle ritual for families.

Your Hanukkah Gift-Giving Guide is Here!

Crystal Hill
Hanukkah is one of my favorite holidays, partially because it gives me the opportunity to give gifts to my loved ones every night for eight nights! Gift giving with intentionality is one of my favorite ways to express affection while teaching my child about Jewish values and traditions.

A Temple Has Two Meanings

Laura Frank
Earlier this year, on a beautiful spring day, we drove 30 minutes from our home in Philadelphia to a Thai temple and cultural center to celebrate Songkran, Thailand's Lunar New Year.

How NASA Engineers Helped Me Become a Better Jewish Parent

Rabbi Sharon G. Forman
"Good Night Oppy," a documentary streaming on Amazon Prime about the two robotic rovers that NASA sent to Mars in 2003, grabbed me by the heart. What I did not expect to experience from this movie was a potent lesson in parenting from NASA engineers.