Related Blog Posts on COVID-19, d’var Torah, Jewish History, Jewish Values, Summer Youth Experiences, Ten Minutes of Torah, and Torah Study

The Stories That Statistics Can't Tell

Michelle Shapiro Abraham, MAJE, RJE
When we talk about the impact that Jewish summer camps have on the Jewish future, we often talk in large numbers and percentages. Indeed, it is wonderful to see the proof that we are reaching our youth outcomes. But as I head to pick up my own children from Jewish summer camp, I am reminded of the individuals whose lives – not only their Jewish identities – are profoundly impacted by their summer home.

Chutzpah is the New Charisma

Rabbi Evan Moffic

Charisma  is overrated.

Yes, it can inspire devotion and admiration. But it depends on something stronger. It depends on chutzpah. Chutzpah is a Yiddish word best translated as “gall,” or “guts.” It is a willingness to break conventions.

What is the Point of Remembering?

Rabbi Mark Strauss-Cohn

In the 20th century, three new holy days were inserted to the Jewish calendar based on the massively significant events of the Shoah and the Establishment of the State of Israel: Yom HaShoah v’Hagveurah, Yom HaZikaron, Yom HaAtzmaut. 

Holding On and Letting Go

Deborah Greene

It is said that, “All the art of living lies in a fine mingling of letting go and holding on.” (Havelock Ellis) It is, to be sure, a balancing act for every parent.