
A Week of Trauma and Triumph

Rabbi Josh Weinberg

On the same day the U.S. embassy opened in Jerusalem, more than 60 Palestinians lost their lives at the Gaza border. How can we bring balance to these disparate events? 

Shavuot and Criminal Justice Reform

Rabbi Neil P.G. Hirsch

Shavuot marks the end of the counting of the Omer, the 49 days between Passover and Shavuot. Many view the counting of the Omer as a spiritual and conscientious practice—but while the Reform Jewish community conscientiously counts through 49 days, we know that there are many who count days, weeks, and years as they serve time in the criminal justice system.

Jerusalem: A City United, A City Divided

Rabbi Josh Weinberg

There is the Jerusalem on high and the Jerusalem of below. The Jerusalem of Old and of New. The Jerusalem of West and of East. The Jerusalem of Gold and of Iron.