
Hope and Pride in Be’er Sheva

Rabbi Dara Lithwick
During Pride Month, I participated in a leaders' trip to Israel through A Wider Bridge, an organization dedicated to connecting LGBTQ+ people in North America and Israel. Around Israel, pride events this year focused on calls to free the hostages, support the hundreds of thousands of displaced people, and reach a meaningful ceasefire.

My Father’s Tallit

Ilene S. Goldman
As a child snoop, I was well acquainted with the contents of my parents’ dresser drawers. This came in handy often, like the night before a trip when my mom panicked because she couldn’t find her passport.

Impacting Camp, Connecting with Israel After October 7th

Crystal Hill
Every year, URJ Camps host Israeli counselors as a way to strengthen our young people’s connection to the land and culture of Israel. This summer, this initiative took on even more meaning in the wake of the October 7th attacks.

Journey from Poland to Israel

Raya Seidman
When I was 15 years old, I was a participant in Heller High (EIE at that time) and journeyed to Poland and Israel with my group. Twelve years later, I can confirm that this experience shaped my identity and is a memory I carry close to my heart.

This Summer's Hottest Jewish Films and Series

Wes Hopper
The hazy days of summer have arrived. School's out, pools are open, and Birkenstocks are back in style. Whether you're looking to beat the heat in a nice, air-conditioned theater or relax at home, here are eight films and series to check out this summer.

Creating Belonging for Interfaith Families

Sarah Norton
One of my most treasured memories is of my husband buying Purim carnival wristbands for our children. This act might seem small, but it symbolized a significant shift for us. See, my husband isn't Jewish, but we are raising a Jewish family.