North Korean Nuclear Test Highlights "Global Alarm System"
Why We Do the Work We Do
Six times a year, the RAC staff has the opportunity to work with incredible groups of high school students from across the country at our Bernard and Audre Rapoport L'Taken Social Justice Seminars. A few weeks ago, at our first L'Taken of the year, one of our
On Gods and Mortals
Election Reflections
Originally posted by "JanetheWriter" at
Yesterday during lunch, Naomi, one of my colleagues, told the following story:
Her father was a poll worker in Wisconsin on Election Day. An elderly African-American woman came in to vote. She was carrying with
Growing Up is Hard to Do
My fiancée and I recently joined a congregation about a block from our home. We went to the new member Shabbat, were called by the rabbi, welcomed by members and Abby (my future bride) was called this morning to read an aliyah on Rosh HaShanah. But even after
The Immigration Stigma's Got to Go
Emily Schwartz is an intern at the Religious Action Center and a senior at The George Washington University.
When I Google the term "immigration," the first result to pop up is "Related searches: illegal immigration." The correlation is offsetting
Thoughts From My First Selichot Service
I came to the 11 pm Selichot Service at Beth Emeth in Wilmington, Delaware on Saturday night at the suggestion of Rabbi Grumbacher during Torah study. I came frankly, out of curiosity and to see if I could stay awake at that "unGodly" time. I had no idea of
Kiev Revisited
As regular readers of this blog may have noticed through my comments on other people's posts, I've recently returned from a river cruise through Ukraine -- fortunately arriving home before the Georgian crisis erupted -- and want to share some thoughts in three
For the Sake of a Namesake: L'dor v'dor
A few months ago, during an informal visit in my apartment from my parents, my sister and my nephew Ian, I was stretched out on the living room floor and Ian, as five-year-olds are want to do, was walking on my back and climbing all over me. When his weight
The Universe Sent Me a Shabbat Message
My daughter graduated from high school Saturday. The weather changed from cold and rainy to a sunny 80 degree day. The plague of cicadas awaited for 17 years and due to arrive by now were yet to emerge from the ground. I arrived early and got a front row seat