Melding Tradition and Innovation: Our Interfaith Toddler Naming Ceremony
When I found out I was pregnant, my mind was immediately filled with questions and plans. When my son Logan was born at 34 weeks, many of those plans quickly changed.
A Place at the Table: How an Accessible Haggadah Creates a Seder of Belonging
As someone who is completely blind, I have enjoyed many opportunities to fully participate in the Jewish community because of accessible materials.
Passover 2024: The Three Central Messages of Pesach
The Exodus story is the master narrative of the Jewish people. As most of us know, it tells the story of the Hebrew slaves in Egypt and the rise of Moses as their liberator. It reminds us that in 2024, the universality of Passover's three-part message again reverberates through the generations: freedom, love, and justice.
Modern-Day Plagues of Injustice and Inequality
On Passover, we recount the Ten Plagues that were inflicted upon the Egyptian people. Here are some of the "plagues" and injustices that afflict our present-day society -- and actions you can take.
Burning Our Emotional Chameitz
I grew up in a family that was all about making Jewish ritual our own, and there was no greater holiday for our collective creativity than Passover.
Meet My Interfaith Family: Graaff-Sodds
While I think being in an interfaith relationship doesn't affect most of my day-to-day life, it does require an extra level of communication, patience, and respect.
The Story of Esther, The Story of Us
Over the past few years, I’ve found that parts of the Purim story parallel parts of my own life. I’m a big believer in the power of stories to help build communities of belonging.
Extraordinary Ordinary Heroes
Simcha Blass, Helen Suzman, Eddie Jacobson, and Abby Stein all contributed to our world in different ways. Yet, they shared traits - commitment, integrity, resolve and an inner sense that they could make a difference.
WRJ's Legacy of Championing Equitable Pay for All
March 12 marks Equal Pay Day, which is intended to draw attention to the ongoing disparity in earnings between men and women. March 12 marks how long it takes a woman, on average, to earn the same amount as their male counterparts did the previous year.
Vayikra 5784 Haiku
These haiku focus on weekly Torah portions.