Hanukkah is awesome. However, it seems that each year, we hear comments that downplay its place in Jewish life. Even I have caught myself saying, “Actually, Hanukkah is a very minor holiday…” and “Hanukkah is not about giving gifts…” and “We only celebrate that way because of its proximity to another holiday…”
Although Passover is wonderful, and the Talmud reveres Sukkot as “The Holiday,” neither can hold a candle (no pun intended!) to Hanukkah. After all, Hanukkah, also known as the Festival of Lights, has something those other Jewish holidays don’t: momentum. Jews get excited about it, especially kids and the young at heart!
Let’s capitalize on that momentum, using it to share meaningful Jewish experiences with family and friends. To that end, here are eight wonderful things about Hanukkah that can enhance our celebrations of this beloved holiday.
1. Eight delicious nights
We’re commanded to eat fried food during Hanukkah.
, , and other fried foods help us recall the miracle of the oil. Admittedly, it’s more than , but it’s still an essential part of the holiday. When else can you gorge on chocolate and call it a religious observance?2. Eight miraculous nights
One of Hanukkah’s themes is religious freedom. The rabbis of the Talmud recommended that our be publicly displayed to show we are proud to be Jewish. Our candles, as detailed in the Book of Isaiah, serve as a “light to the nations” and an expression of our identity as Jews. They also invite our neighbors to ask about the story of Hanukkah and learn about the Jewish People.
3. Eight fun nights
Each night of Hanukkah offers the opportunity to engage in a Jewish activity at home. Only one other holiday, Sukkot, includes a sustained ritual for more than a week!
4. Eight thoughtful nights
With every candle comes a chance to gather around the menorah and talk about Hanukkah’s lesson. With some planning, a different topic could be discussed each night. Whether it’s the environment, social justice, , or freedom, Hanukkah delivers eight invitations for learning.
5. Eight playful nights
After the candles have been lit, we play dreidel – but if that gets old, change the rules! Who can spin the dreidel the fastest, the longest, the farthest? Who can spin it upside down? You can even bring out the board games and card games, making every night of Hanukkah a family game night. Whether or not your house includes children, the holiday offers a special time for all of us to rejoice in playing games.
6. Eight generous nights
Everyone loves to receive gifts, but let’s not forget the satisfaction of giving them. Who hasn’t gotten joy from seeing someone’s face light up when a gift strikes just the right chord? Giving feels good. Beyond our family and friends, Hanukkah can also be a vehicle for giving to those in need.
The Union for Reform Judaism has proposed that the sixth night of Hanukkah be designated as a ner shel tzedakah (candle of righteousness), reminding us to be charitable. Instead of giving gifts to each other, set aside that night to give to those in need.
7. Eight musical nights
Many Jewish songwriters – Irving Berlin, for example – wrote songs for other holidays, but we have many beautiful Hanukkah songs that can be played and sung around the
! Among them are “Ma Oz Tzur” (“Rock of Ages”), “Ocho Kandelikas” (“Eight Little Candles”), “Dreidel,” “Sevivon Sov Sov Sov,” and “Oh, Hanukkah.” Adam Sandler’s “Hanukkah Song” is a holiday mainstay in its own right.Check out these Hanukkah playlists to keep you rockin' all holiday long.
8. Eight creative nights
Hanukkah celebrations do have a few requirements. We light candles, recite blessings, but aside from that, the sky’s the limit! Act out the Hanukkah story in full costume or with props from around your house, designate a movie night, make arts and crafts, or, frankly, do anything you enjoy that adds to the joy of the holiday. Every night is an opportunity for a special event!
Most importantly, may we all make the most of the opportunities this holiday provides, using them to have the happiest, most joyous Hanukkah season ever.