Practice a Jewish Value Each Night of Hanukkah

Rabbi Ruth Adar

In talking with a friend about ways to make Hanukkah more meaningful, we wondered: How might we use the framework of eight days and make it a real rededication to Jewish values?

We decided we’d set up a list of eight Jewish values, assign each one to a day of Hanukkah, and plan appropriate activities for ourselves and/or our households. We brainstormed activities that might be suitable for different households (depending on ages and abilities). The idea of activities is not simply doing for doing’s sake, but doing for the sake of learning. Be sure to reflect and talk afterward!

We invite you to look ahead at your calendar to see which Jewish value might fit each day.

1. Nidivut, Generosity

  • Donate warm clothing to a shelter or charity.
  • ​Make breakfast in bed for the family cook.
  • Visit an animal shelter and give them your old towels and sheets for bedding.
  • Give gifts to one another.
  • Shop for a local Toys for Tots drive or for the local food bank.

2. Tzedek, Justice

  • Give tzedakahtzedakahצְדָקָהFrom the Hebrew word for “justice,” or “righteousness;” refers to charity or charitable giving. May also be translated as “righteous giving.”   to an organization that works for justice.
  • Write a letter to an elected official about some issue of justice. Visit the Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism's Legislative Action Center for ideas and tools that make it easy to do so. 
  • Teach each other about an important social justice issue.
  • Make and decorate a family tzedakah box.
  • Write a letter to the editor of the newspaper about a justice issue.

3. Hoda’ah, Gratitude

  • Write a thank you card to someone who isn’t expecting it.
  • Write a thank you card to another member of the household. Be specific.
  • Make a list of things for which you are grateful. Then make a "bouquet" of those things by making paper flowers and writing what you're thankful for on them. Use it to decorate the table next Shabbat.
  • ​Play the ABC Gratitude game as a family, naming something for which you are grateful for each letter of the alphabet. ("I’m grateful for apricots," "I’m grateful for blankets," etc.)​
  • See how many times you can say “thank you” to people during the day.

4. Kibud Av v’Em, Honoring Parents

  • Give gifts to parents and grandparents.
  • "Adopt" an elder who doesn’t have children to visit for the evening.
  • Tell stories about family, maybe even crafting projects to honor family members who have died.
  • ​Make a coupon book of things you will do for a parent or grandparent in the coming year.​
  • Visit the graves of parents or grandparents who have died. Leave a stone.

5. Talmud Torah, Studying Torah

  • Play “Torah Jeopardy," asking questions to which names and places from the Torah are the answer.
  • Make a play of the Torah portion of the week (during Hanukkah, it's usually part of the Joseph story, which is very dramatic)!
  • Make Torah scrolls with citations or pictures of your favorite verses of Torah in them and give them to each other.
  • ​Draw a picture of your favorite biblical character. Tell their story to your family.
  • Download and play Middotopoly, a game for learning Jewish values.

6. Hachnasat Or'chim, Hospitality

  • Have a Hanukkah party with your loved ones, whether in person or virtually.
  • Have people over for Shabbat dinner and menorah lighting.
  • ​Invite someone who's looking for company to dinner, services, or coffee.​
  • ​Volunteer to be an usher at your synagogue.
  • Provide part or all of the onegOneg Shabbatעֹנֶג שַׁבָּתThe "joy" of Shabbat—refers to refreshments after Shabbat services. for the Shabbat service that falls during Hanukkah.

7. Ahavat Yisrael, Love of Israel (the country or the people)

  • Give tzedakah to an Israeli organization.
  • Give tzedakah to a local Jewish organization.
  • Watch an Israeli or Jewish-themed film together and discuss over popcorn.
  • Put on Israeli music or klezmer and dance!

8. Rachmanut, Compassion

  • Volunteer at the local food bank or a similar nonprofit.
  • Give out clean, new socks to people experiencing homelessness in your area.
  • Visit someone who is homebound and, if possible, light the menorah with them.
  • ​During the week of Hanukkah, give one dollar to a person in need. At the end of the week, talk about how it felt.

There are many more Jewish values to choose from​, and many more activities that you might try to express and learn about them. Explore the possibilities!

For more ideas, see "8 Thematic Ideas to Make Every Night of Hanukkah Shine" and "A Social Justice Gift Guide for Hanukkah."

Download our 2025 Hanukkah Activity Guide!