“Magical sparks” Gabi and Rafael return in this special Shaboom! episode for Passover. Together, they make a hide-and-seek game out of the process of removing chametz (bread and other leavened food) from their cloud. Meanwhile, down on Earth, Ben Plony is gathering chametz – including a forbidden donut! – for a food donation.
When Poppa can’t remember why he’s making matzah ball soup, wise Momma puts on a beard to act out the story of Moses freeing the Israelite slaves, complete with plagues of frogs and the parting of a Sea of Reeds made of sheets. But then, some weird events – like real bricks on the table and a sudden leaning of their entire house – prompt the whole Plony family to ask all kinds of questions.
Laila asks, “Are dinosaurs invited?” and Yasmin asks, “Why celebrate with questions instead of fireworks?” Gabi and Rafael sum the whole thing up with song and laughter.
It’s all about the questions:
- Poppa Plony tells his family that asking questions is how we understand and connect to what came before us. What questions do you have about Passover?
- When Laila asks if dinosaurs are invited to the Passover seder, the answer is yes because everyone is welcome. Can you think of people you would like to invite to your special Passover dinner?
- What can you do to make Passover different from all other days and nights in your house?
Related activities:
- Mama Plony told the Passover story with a play. Choose a favorite part of the story, then act it out, draw it, or write a poem about it.
- Call, email, or video chat with someone you know who is celebrating Passover far away, and ask them what they’re doing to make it special.
- Go through your cabinets and see which foods are chametz. As a family, decide where you want to put them to avoid temptation for the week of Passover. The garage, the basement, or the donation bin? Choose delicious Passover recipes to make together.