Can I Get Married between Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur?

Answered by
Rabbi Julie Zupan

Mazel tovmazel tovמַזָּל טוֹבLit. "a good star." Colloquially, "congratulations."  on your upcoming marriage!

Although Jewish weddings may take place on the days in between the Jewish High HolidaysHigh Holidaysיָמִים נוֹרָאִיםRosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur , it is generally discouraged because we are focused on the solemn themes of the season during that period. Additionally, because this period is an especially busy time for rabbis and cantors, you will be more limited in your options for clergy officiants.

At the same time, some people consider the four days between Yom Kippur and the start of Sukkot to be especially auspicious for a wedding because the partners will have just experienced a period of deep reflection.  

Regardless of when you decide to marry, check out these resources for planning a Jewish wedding

Wishing you every joy and blessing!