A TASTE OF JUDAISM: Are You Curious?
Explore Jewish spirituality, ethics, and community!
Tuesdays, 6:30-8:00pm, December 3, 10, & 17
@ Temple Israel of the City of New York
112 E. 75th Street, NYC
A free three-session workshop open to all, Jewish or not!
Led by Rabbis David Gelfand, Melissa Buyer-Witman, Hayley Siegel
A modern Jewish perspective on living in today’s complicated world.
For those who would like to explore or re-explore the foundations of Jewish
tradition & values, and for those who may be searching for an entrée to Jewish life.
Share in an informal atmosphere which will encourage free & lively discussions
of Reform Judaism’s approach to living in our rapidly changing society.
No charge but space is limited, and registration is required.
Contact education@tinyc.org