Ki Tavo for Teens: Shabbat Sha-raps

Ki Tavo, Deuteronomy 26:1–29:8

Have you ever been curious how relatable the Torah really is? A group of staff from the Kutz365 Alumni Network decided to spend an entire year rapping the weekly Torah portion, or parasha, from the Torah. Shabbat Sha'Raps started at camp in the summer of 2016, and then grew through Zoom over the course of an entire year. Filmed from Zoom boxes around the globe, this creative interpretation of Torah is a fun and easy way to understand the weekly Torah portion. Join Evan, Matt, Melissa, and lots of special guests on this joyful journey of discovering Torah!

In this parasha, the people are told to thank God for all they are given, and do so by displaying large stones. Plus, we are again told about blessings and curses – Listen to learn modern connections.



Saturday morning and the peeps are here
It’s time for Shabbat – let me get a cheer
We’ll talk about Moses, Aaron, the Levites too
Ayyoo Matt, you know what to do

Throwback to last week, it was Ki Teitzei
There were some weird parts, but we gotta say hey
It gave us some wisdom for going to war
Compassion and justice, let’s give ‘em some more

After Ki Teitzei comes Ki Tavo
It’s time for us to learn and get down on the low
We gots to tithe and give back to the fam
When we’re helping people, we gotta go HAM

All the parts of the covenant are brought up again
We gotta choose between mitzvot and sin
When we choose to sin, it’ll make God frown|
When we do mitzvot, the blessings come right down

Hey, did you know right now we’re in the month of Elul?
Out of all the Hebrew months, it’s quite the jewel
We get time to reflect and time to prepare
For the High Holidays and our gracious prayer

So, if you haven’t so far, take time for you
Like the Kardashians, show love for your crew
Ki Tavo, you’ve been great to us all
We’ll keep it going each week and we’ll have a ball

Thanks for listening to our sixteenth rap
Stay tuned for more, we’re putting ourselves on the map
This has been your – Shabbat Sha’Rap!

Originally published: