T’rumah for Teens: Shabbat Sha-raps

T'rumah, Exodus 25:1−27:19

Have you ever been curious how relatable the Torah really is? A group of staff from the Kutz365 Alumni Network decided to spend an entire year rapping the weekly Torah portion, or parasha, from the Torah. Shabbat Sha'Raps started at camp in the summer of 2016, and then grew through Zoom over the course of an entire year. Filmed from Zoom boxes around the globe, this creative interpretation of Torah is a fun and easy way to understand the weekly Torah portion. Join Evan, Matt, Melissa, and lots of special guests on this joyful journey of discovering Torah!

God asks the people to donate gifts for the building of the Tabernacle (altar), the place where God will dwell (sort of like live). Listen to the rap to find out what gifts they gave!  


Saturday morning and the peeps are here
It’s time for Shabbat – let me get a cheer
We’ll talk about Pharaoh, Moses, the Red Sea too
Ayyoo Matt, you know what to do

Well before we start, we’ll rewind it back
To Mishpatim, where we get no slack
There’s lots of commandments and rules to know
We got to Mount Sinai, let’s follow the show

God spoke to Moses to gather everyone
And to give some gifts so we can have some fun
If they care enough, they’ll give a lot
To build a tabernacle right on the spot

We use cloth, wood, silver, and gold
To build this tabernacle and make it bold
We’re making alters, lamps, and tables too
Building something great for the Israelite crew

Now follow every word and instruction to heart
Gotta make this just right, like a new piece of art
We construct the holy Ark, it’s a pretty big deal
It’ll hold the commandments, and that’s for real

Now beyond all the colors and materials here
This portion has a message, let’s make it clear
We all have our gifts inside of us
Let’s use them to make our world more kind, loving, compassionate, and just

Thanks for listening to our 40th rap
Stay tuned for more we’re putting ourselves on the map
​This has been your, Shabbat Sha’Raps!!!

Originally published: