Have you ever been curious how relatable the Torah really is? A group of staff from the Kutz365 Alumni Network decided to spend an entire year rapping the weekly Torah portion, or parasha, from the Torah. Shabbat Sha'Raps started at camp in the summer of 2016, and then grew through Zoom over the course of an entire year. Filmed from Zoom boxes around the globe, this creative interpretation of Torah is a fun and easy way to understand the weekly Torah portion. Join Evan, Matt, Melissa, and lots of special guests on this joyful journey of discovering Torah!
In this parasha, we learn about the sacrifices the Israelites need to make for God. Listen to the rap to hear some of the names of the sacrifices!
Saturday morning and the peeps are here
It’s time for Shabbat – let me get a cheer
We’ll talk about Moses, rituals, and holiness too
Ayyoo Matt, you know what to do
It was just last week when we finished a book
Vayak’heil P’kudei, go and give it a look
It was a double portion and we finished Exodus
Moving on to the next, hello Leviticus
Parashat Vayikra, let’s get ready to go
It’s kind a lot, so we’ll take it slow
God called out to the Israelite crew|
Taught about sacrifices and what to do
We learn about a bunch of offerings
Whether you’re guilty, making peace, it means some things
There are sacrifices for all parts of life
We’ll run through ‘em quick without any strife
The first is olah, and it’s voluntary
It’s regarded as the standard, not too scary
The second is minchah, the one for a meal
Save some for the priests, you know the deal
Zevach Sh’lamim is the one for a vow
Chatat for unintentional sins in the now
Asham is for those who lie about stuff
Can’t wait for next week, we’re having a ball, we’ll never get enough
Thanks for listening to our 44th rap
Stay tuned for more, we’re putting ourselves on the map
This has been your, Shabbat Sha’Raps!!!