Torah Commentary Image Matot/Mas'-ei for Tots October 18, 2012 In this double portion, there is a lot of focus on building and community development. Here are some questions and ideas for discussions with young children. Search Commentary Commentary Type - Any -Torah CommentaryTorah for TeensTorah for TotsTorah for Tweens Jewish Holiday - Any -Selichot ServicesShabbatRosh HaShanahYom KippurSukkotSh'mini Atzeret and Simchat TorahHanukkahTu BiShvatPurimPassoverCounting of the OmerYom HaShoahYom HaZikaron and Yom HaAtzmautLag BaOmerShavuotTishah B'AvRosh Chodesh Torah Portion - Any -B'reishitNoachLech L'chaVayeiraChayei SarahTol'dotVayeitzeiVayishlachVayeishevMikeitzVayigashVayechiSh'motVa-eiraBoB'shalachYitroMishpatimT'rumahT'tzavehKi TisaVayak'heilP'kudeiVayak'heil - P'kudeiVayikraTzavSh'miniSh'mini ISh'mini IITazriaM'tzoraTazria - M’tzoraAcharei MotAcharei Mot IAcharei Mot IIK'doshimAcharei Mot - K’doshimEmorB'harB'chukotaiB'har - B'chukotaiB'midbarNasoNaso INaso IIB'haalot'chaSh'lach L'chaKorachChukatBalakChukat - BalakPinchasMatotMas'eiMatot - Mas'eiD'varimVa-et'chananEikevR'eihShof'timKi TeitzeiKi TavoNitzavimVayeilechNitzavim - VayeilechHaazinuV'zot Hab'rachahYom Rishon shel Rosh HaShanahYom Sheini shel Rosh HaShanahYom KippurYom Rishon shel SukkotChol HaMo-eid SukkotSh'mini Atzeret - Simchat TorahYom Rishon shel PesachChol HaMo-eid PesachYom Sh'vi-i shel PesachShavuot Book - Any -GenesisExodusLeviticusNumbersDeuteronomyHolidays
Image Matot/Mas'-ei for Tots October 18, 2012 In this double portion, there is a lot of focus on building and community development. Here are some questions and ideas for discussions with young children.
Torah Commentary
Matot/Mas'-ei for Tots
In this double portion, there is a lot of focus on building and community development. Here are some questions and ideas for discussions with young children.