Torah Commentary

Torah Commentary

The Torah and the Jewish Tradition

The Book of Deuteronomy is built around three speeches delivered by Moses. The first of these, which occurs within this week's Torah portion, D'varim, includes a review of the events that took place during Moses' lifetime.

Beyond Despair

One of the most touching moments in Parashat Pinchas occurs when God says to Moses: "Ascend these heights of Abarim and view the land that I have given to the Israelite people.

No Rest(s) for the Wicked

According to the Rabbis, Balaam was one of seven non-Israelite prophets. (One list also includes Balaam's father, as well as Job and the four friends who came to "comfort" him.

Thinking before Speaking

People should think before they speak. This is common sense, you might say, but judging from the number of miscommunications and painful verbal exchanges that occur each day, this sense is not so common-even for Mosheh and Aharon in this week's parashah, Chukat.

Evil Flourishes When Good People Do Nothing

The centerpiece of this week's portion, Korach, is Korach's challenge of Moses and Aaron's leadership. Dathan, Abiram, and two hundred and fifty elders join Korach in the revolt, claiming that they have an equal right to lead.