Stories We Tell: The Grandfather, the Granddaughter and the Donkey

Judaism has a deep and rich tradition of storytelling, of passing down stories from one generation to the next. To carry on that tradition, Stories We Tell, from, will share a new story with you every Thursday. Whether you listen while driving to work, preparing Shabbat dinner, or taking your kids to school, each episode will give you a new story to reflect on and discuss with the people in your life. Stories We Tell is a project of the Union for Reform Judaism, a leading voice in the discussion of modern Jewish life. 

An old grandfather and his young granddaughter go for a walk, leading a donkey by its reins. All is well, until they meet a stranger who wonders why they walk in the manner that they do. What happens next, in this story retold by Cantor Ellen Dreskin, teaches the grandfather and granddaughter a valuable lesson about what it means to take advice and please the people around them.

You can listen to the full Stores We Tell podcast below or on iTunes.