
Barbie and The Bomb: The Jewish Roots of This Summer's Blockbusters

Wes Hopper
Much has been made of this summer’s blockbuster movie phenomena, Greta Gerwig’s “Barbie” and Christopher Nolan’s “Oppenheimer,” which were released on the same weekend. The films have become a strange double feature, both bound to the same cultural moment. While they seem to have little in common, both films depict maverick Jewish thinkers whose ideals created seismic shifts in the world. 

Cinema Sabaya: Women Finding Themselves Behind the Camera

Wes Hopper
Both Arab and Jewish, young and old, the women of "Cinema Sabaya" learn about much more than filmmaking during the class; they discover that their differences are far outweighed by their bonds as women making their way in a patriarchal world.

The Best Jewish Film and TV of the Past Year

Wes Hopper


As 2022 draws to a close, it’s time to highlight some of the best Jewish content of the past year. Art, marriage, coming of age, healing, history, and antisemitism are all on display in a year that has had its fair share of public tumult. This is, after all

How NASA Engineers Helped Me Become a Better Jewish Parent

Rabbi Sharon G. Forman
"Good Night Oppy," a documentary streaming on Amazon Prime about the two robotic rovers that NASA sent to Mars in 2003, grabbed me by the heart. What I did not expect to experience from this movie was a potent lesson in parenting from NASA engineers.